domingo, 7 de outubro de 2012

Estrela de Idanha

It's the only Hotel at Idanha a Nova.
The owner is always present and is a very sympathetic person to spoke with.
The hotel is simple and clean, no big luxuries but it has a spa, a covered pool and a room for meetings.
The outside is generous and the fresh air of Idanha makes the rest to be positive.

terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012

Landel's Hotel Berlin


Hilton Nordica Reykjavik

Nice and warm hotel. Very confortable rooms with no luxuries but with the essential that you might expect.
Good conditions to work on the room and a big selections of tv channels.
The restaurant is cozy and very complete on terms of food.
The hotel is 20 minutes away from city center (walking) and 5 minutes (on car).

segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2012

Hotel da Urgeiriça

O Hotel Urgeiriça está localizado em Canas de Senhorim a cerca de 25 km de Viseu e da Serra da Estrela. É um lugar inserido num parque verde muito interessante e propício ao relaxamento e ao descanso. 
É um edifício em granito, labiríntico e decorado em face de um tempo histórico, que foi construído em face da existência de uma mina, explorada por ingleses, no início do século XX.
É um local cheio de misticismo e carregado de história.

(ENGLISH) Located at Canas de Senhorim, near Viseu, this Hotel is located on a paradisiac green area, excellent for relaxation and to get some rest,
This is a 90 years building, a bit labirinthic, decorated as in the first half of 20th century, when it was built, by an english minery company.
It's a very mystic place, full of history.